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H2O Sensations is the Swiss representative for Nacra since 2005!
Our knowledge of the Nacra boat catalogue and parts is at is best and we will be able to help you and guide you to get the most needed product! You have a doubt, a question regarding Nacra parts... let us know and we will make a pleasure to propose you the most efficient product.
We are present are a large quantity of regatta in Switzerland and overseas too. in few numbers Nacra is
- about 550 references (SKU)
- more than 3800 articles in stock and ready to be shipped
H2O Sensations stocke toutes les pièces pouvant casser, pouvant être perdues facilement et qui nous empêchent de naviguer, mais pas seulement. Nous avons également, les câbles, les tubes de tangons et bômes, les safrans et dérives, les voiles et les lattes et pour les plus grandes séries, un bateau quasiment complet en pièces détachées...
Aidez votre revendeur local à être à vos côtés et commandez chez H2O Sensations !
H2O Sensations, Nacra importer since 2005, is present in Switzerland and internationally to help you, your customers, for the selection of your future boat, for your preparations and maintenance of your catamarans.
H2O Sensations and Nacra are present on many catamaran regattas in Switzerland but also at important events in neighboring countries. Our presence is important for many of you who ask us if we will be present at such or such regatta.
Nacra at H2O Sensations is:
Around 550 references
Over 3870 items in stock, ready to ship
H2O Sensations stores all the parts that can break, can be easily lost and that prevent us from sailing, but not only. We also have cables, poles and boom tubes, rudders and daggerboards, sails and battens and for larger series, a boat almost complete in spare parts ...
Help your local dealer to be by your side and order from H2O Sensations!
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